Did Man Create God?


The evolution of man


    While the theory of evolution and the origin the species was a troubling concept for many, especially theologians, the idea that man evolved from the apes was especially difficult to accept. [p167]


When all studies are combined they indicate that the DNA sequence of brain genes show many changes in expression and copy number during the evolution of humans. Studies of non-coding DNA identified significant changes in a number of brain-specific genes during the evolution of man.

   Among the non-brain genes, the greatest selective forces have occurred in those for smelling and hearing; immune defenses especially against viruses; amino acid metabolism to allow for the greater energy requirements of the enlarging brain; and spermatogenesis.

   The fact that human and chimp genes are vastly more similar (99%) than they are different (1%) provides overwhelming evidence that man evolved from the apes. [p182]

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